Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Partisan Hacks Bent on Destroying Public Schools

They will blatantly ignore your vote and the fundamentals of the Indiana Constitution, too!

In 2015, Mike Pence and other partisan hack legislators attempted to throw a coup de force against Superintendent of Public Instruction (SPI) Glenda Ritz by passing Senate Bill 1 (click here for the link to the bill).

Did your representative vote to strip Glenda Ritz of her power as SPI? Click here to find out!

For the first time since the adoption of the Constitution of the State of Indiana in 1851, and the immediately following election of the first SPI, the Governor and his ideologically driven group of cronies removed the SPI as the chair of the State Board of Education (SBOE) effective on inauguration day 2017. Sound blatantly partisan yet?

Let's do some Math here...

2015 - 1851 = 164


You read that right! For 164 years (click here for a history of the SPI and SBOE), voters in the State of Indiana elected the SPI and then that duly elected SPI served as the chair of the SBOE. 

Now, some of you may already know where I am going with this line of reasoning, and I ask you to keep reading because this issue is particularly important during this election and everyone needs to pull together and get this message out to fellow Hoosiers. Please, forgive my candor here as well, but...

What the heck changed all of the sudden? 

#1 - Gerrymandering (watch the video - push play)

#2 - And these wealthy religious zealots started buying Indiana politicians

Fred Klipsch
Koch Bros


#3 - And these PACS started buying off Indiana politicians

#4 - This Self Aggrandizing 'Winner' Became Governor

Mike Pence

Are you FED UP yet? 

Are you fed up with partisan ideologues playing petty politics...

  • with your vote?
  • with public education?
  • with our Hoosier kids future?

Well, I am! And it is high time we stood up to these partisan hacks that think they can buy elections in our state, use our kids as a commodity, and destroy the uniquely American democratic foundation that our public schools provide.

Vote with candidates that can't be bought and sold by well-monied ideological interests!

Become aware and vote for candidates that support public education!


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