Thursday, February 7, 2013

The Race To Waste $46 Mil In The House

An Open Letter

To The Members of The House Committee On Education,

HB 1003 is scheduled for a hearing and you are expected to vote on this bill today. As a mom of 2 children that attend Public School in Northwest Indiana, as a woman raised on a grain and hog farm in Central Indiana, and as Hoosier through and through, I implore you to vote NO on this measure. It needs to stop where it is at in an attempt to bring a little bit of common sense back to your actions.

Indiana's voucher program (the LARGEST voucher program in the country) has been legally challenged as it conflicts with the Indiana Constitution on two grounds. First, that you as Representatives are charged with creating policy in line with the Constitution which directs you to educate children through a system of common schools - Indiana's "so-called" Public Education system. Second, you as Representatives are charged with creating policy that would not compel "We The Taxpayers" to pay taxes which support religious institutions.

This legal challenge has not been resolved and to be quite frank with you, the Legislators interested in "reforming" Indiana's Public Education System might be surprised how it ends. Now you plan to expand a program this session, that will potentially be deemed unconstitutional? Where is the common sense in that action! This isn't the Indy 500 - you don't have to pass it now - time is on your side and you should use it to your advantage. Sit it out, let us see what happens in court before moving forward in any method or manner on this Bill.

Finally, I will argue and I believe MOST of the taxpaying and voting citizens agree on this...It is NOT your responsibility to pay for - with my tax dollars - "school choice" in Indiana. My tax dollars should be going to the benefit of Indiana citizens as a whole, to the betterment of most all Hoosiers, not just a few. Private and Religious Schools can not and will not serve most all Hoosiers. If a parent chooses to send their child to a Religious School - so be it, that is their choice. They should have to deal with the financial implications of their choice. The rest of the children in the State of Indiana should not pay for their choice.

Now, you vote how you want, but don't forget the rest of us regular hard-working Hoosier moms and dads are watching - and we will vote in less than 2 years. And if Public Education continues to be dismantled, I guarantee you - my vote will go with Public Education.


The Hoosier Mom On Politics

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Michelle for sharing this! This is a great letter! :) We can create change if we keep asking for it then expecting it.
