Tuesday, February 12, 2013


 This week's Tattle is on the Indiana House of Representatives, specifically Representative Robert Behning.  Their ties to ALEC (American Legislative Exchange Council) are leading them down a path to destroy Indiana's Public schools. In all their infinite wisdom and cronyism, they have decided that 1.3 million voters do not matter.  The only thing that matters to them is satisfying the private school and charter desires of their wealthy ALEC supporting friends.  They are trying every method possible to slash and burn anything positive from Indiana's PUBLIC schools and to rob middle class and low income parents and children of the public education guaranteed by the State constitution.  These men and women in the Indiana House of representatives are thumbing their noses at the very people they were elected to serve, all for the sake of promoting the wants of their wealthy cronies.

Bob Behning, who appears to be less than fiscally responsible himself, claims to know what is most financially responsible for our public schools, by robbing them of nearly $47million to hand over to privates and charters in the form of vouchers.  He is a card carrying member of ALEC, and follows their design to the letter.  Along with his attempts to financially sink our public schools, like he did his own floral shop, he is also working hard to undermine those who actually know something about educating children. Introducing bills to undercut the authority of newly elected Superintendent Ritz and cutting at the heart of teacher rights and benefits are just the tip of the iceberg that is Bob Behning.  Representative Behning believes his seat, that he has held since 1992, is safe.  Well, Bob, you better be prepared for a toe to toe battle in your upcoming re-election bid.  Rumor has it there is an educator preparing to make a run for your seat, and it looks like another grassroots effort could be even more successful than Glenda Ritz's defeat of Tony Bennett. 

The rest of the Indiana House, following Behning like lapdogs, are also in danger of finding themselves on the losing end next go round, and it looks to be to some very unexpected opponents.  These current representatives will do better for themselves by listening to the voices of 1.3 million voters , by leaving our PUBLIC schools alone.  They should take note of the stand taken by Senator Kruse and the Indiana Senate and leave Public Education, Public school teachers and students, and Superintendent Ritz out of their line of fire.  Let Superintendent Ritz do the job she was elected to do, start ignoring ALEC, and start representing ALL constituents and not just the ones who paid your campaign funds.

This is a partial list of Indiana politicians that are known to be involved in, or previously involved in, the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). It is a partial list. (If you have additional names, please add them with a citation. The names in this original list were verified as of posting.)

Legislators who have cut ties with ALEC publicly are also listed here.

Indiana Legislators with ALEC Ties

House of Representatives


Former Legislatures

  • Former Sen. and Senate President Pro Tepore, Bob Garton (D-41)[33]
  • Former Sen. and Senate Majority Leader, Joseph Harrison [33]
  • Former Rep. and Speaker of the House and 2012 Democratic Candidate for Governor, John R. Gregg [33]
  • Former Rep. and Speaker of the House, Paul Mannweiler


  1. Representative Win Moses lost to Martin Carbaugh this fall. Do you know if Carbaugh has ALEC ties yet?
