Friday, February 22, 2013

Senator Jim Buck At His Finest

Sen. Jim Buck's response to me:

Thank you for your correspondence. Unfortunately, I was unable to attend the Clinton County Chamber Breakfast last weekend due to illness, but I certainly look forward to meeting you at a forthcoming meeting.

It is my hope that in the future you will appear sober. As your correspondence reads, you seem to be in a state of deliriousness or absent mindedness and may have written your email while in an inebriated state. Considering your correspondence has no relevance to truth or fact, it is also my hope that you will continue to further educate yourself on, not only the goals and objectives of the American Legislative Exchange Council, but also on the intentions of our General Assembly members.

Nevertheless, I look forward to a civil discourse. I am confident that you are at least twice as intelligent in person as your correspondence reads. Otherwise, I fear you would not be fit to teach our young children in public school.

Thank you again for your correspondence. I look forward to hearing from you on matters in the future.

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